Computer… initiate web blog ‘chris’… stardate 2011.09.08…
Hello World! Welcome to my first ever blog posting!
WOW. Did getting to this point in time ever take some work!
The jury is still out on whether or not we’re totally off our rocker for selling our cozy comfy home, selling/storing/giving away our stuff, and embarking on this potentially amazing journey into to great unknown… but I’ve got a feeling the verdict will be favourable!
This process has been a real whirlwind, from the initial stages of contemplating the general idea, allowing ourselves to dream it was possible, to making the big decision and taking the multitude of steps needed to realize this moment… it’s taken a whole lot of work to get here…physically, mentally and emotionally… it’s understandable why most sane people chose not to embark on a path like ours… it’s hard, hard work on multiple levels, and puts you way out of your comfort zone.
It’s not easy deciding to give up the safety and security of your ‘home’, your ‘community’, your ‘life’… and deciding instead to ‘shake things up a little bit’, to ‘dare to dream’… but be forewarned… once you plant that seed, you might be surprised what sprouts up!
I’m not entirely sure what the next little while will bring, however I do know this… I’m greatful to Christina for planting the seed, allowing us to ‘dream’ of the possibilities, and for having the courage (aka ‘cahonas’) to challenge the norm… envisioning something radically different.
Update… September 11th, 2011
Ten years. A DECADE. It’s hard to believe how fast the time has gone by, and it re-affirms the general idea of ‘Carpe Diem’… life is short, life is fragile, and you never know when your time is up! My time could have easily ‘been up’, had my NYC contract NOT ended the Thursday before the towers came down… I more than likely would have gone down with them, as did so many of my former colleagues. My thoughts are with them today… their lives were cut way too short.
We are beginning to get our bearings here in Quito. It’s difficult to get around when you are directionally challenged (as I can be), and your spouse with a ‘keen sense of direction’ does not have a proper map, and, your knowledge of Spanish allows you to confidently order beer and/or eggs, and not much more! Thus, on our first day here, we embarked on a ‘dis-orientation’ tour around our hostel, and ended up exploring a totally different area than anticipated. Images of a bickering couple attempting to navigate their way through some foreign land on ‘The Amazing Race’ comes to mind… mental note… trust my wife’s keen sense of direction… in a past life it’s entirely possible she was a homing pigeon.