Stayed the night yesterday in the village of Agés, a charming little place. I had opted for their pilgrim menu AND buffet breakfast… both were somewhat of a disappointment… such is life on the Camino… you can´t win them all. At the very least, my clothes got a good washing for the first time in a machine, with real laundry soap, but it´ll take more than that to get the ever present stink out of things! The beds were comfortable and clean, as were the washrooms/showers.
I was out the door by 6:45am, that seems kinda standard most days, and was off towards the city of Burgos in the chilly morning air… it stayed overcast and cool the whole time I was on the road. I walked in solitude once again, formulating and singing lyrics to a number of songs I have on the go. The walk was pleasant enough until approaching the outskirts of Burgos, where you go through a bit of an industrial centre… not all that nice… and at some point, it was pavement and sidewalks all the way… a pilgrim´s feets enemy… I much prefer softer ground… my pace slowed considerably as I walked through town to the mega-Albergue Municipal (over 140 beds)… my resting place for tonight… I had hoped to go further, but my feet are pounding from pounding the pavement.
I´ve got a hankering for Indian food… wonder if there is something like that within hobbling distance of here… and a nice cold beer… that would be good right about now as well.
Hearing about more people being robbed back in Azofra… someone from Denmark apparently lost something like 400 euros… the bastards… it may even be someone ´posing´as a pilgrim or pilgrims, with the intention of robbing people blind along the way.
Close to 300km under my belt, and a little less than 500km go…
Hi Chris,
From what I’ve been reading it’s more like 300km under your feet! Oh my…
Spain is very dear to my heart. It seems that I have Spanish ancestors: “Sanchez” who came to the US or Canada and changed their name to Sanche.
According to some info I’ve found on the Net, Sanchez is the fifth most common surname in Spain.
Sanchez in Spain, by area Province Rank
Salamanca 1st most common (12,420 people)
Cáceres 2nd most common (5,956 people)
Cádiz 3rd most common (19,396 people)
Granada 3rd most common (13,268 people)
Toledo 3rd most common (6,308 people)
So I have a lot of extended family that I don’t know! I believe that a Sanche married either a Favreau or a Gravel (back then my name didn’t have the “le” at the end of it.)
Maybe some day I’ll get into my ancestry in a serious way. Anyways keep truckin’ – and take care of your self and of each other.
Claudette – & Joey!
Thanks Claudette… you (and Joey) would love this walk… you meet a lot of interesting people along the way, and of course, all the beautiful scenary and churches!
Hi Chris, Connie here and I’m reading every word you and christina post on you blogs. I’m very moved about all your experiences and words as you both open up in a way I’ve never seen before. Thankyou so much for sharing with us and I can see how the camino should be something that everyone would benifit from. I believe that there are angels among us every day and they can be walking right along with you on the camino. They give you the lift that you need and keep your spirits up right when your feeling low.
I hope you don’t meet up with this theif that is on the camino. Keep your personal belonings really close to you.
So you’ve been formulating and working on lyrics to songs.? I can’t wait to hear what you’ve come up with..Anything with a fiddle lead in it?? Cause I know someone who would love to play it!!Haha. I also think Alan Jackson would be the perfect person to sing them also. I’m looking forward to read more posts and cheer you on from my kitchen here in Ottawa. (saying that seems so boring and lazy in comparison to what you guys are doing, many of us can only dream of it). I really admire and love what you are doing. So take it day by day and step by step and enjoy the camino. You’re truly not alone!
God speed to you both, Love Connie
Thanks Connie… I work on the fiddle intros… 🙂
Love you,
Hi Chris
Why would anyone carry 400 Euros on them when staying in hostels? That sounds a bit crazy to me.
There are long stretches of road where there isn´t a bank machine… that´s the only thing I can think of… most I ever have is 250, as it´s the most you can take out at most machines…