From Pedrouza to Santiago de Compostela (20 km)
I awake this morning at 6:30 to the sound of walking sticks on the street outside our window. As I lie in bed and listen I feel quite excited about the day ahead. … [Read more]
From Pedrouza to Santiago de Compostela (20 km)
I awake this morning at 6:30 to the sound of walking sticks on the street outside our window. As I lie in bed and listen I feel quite excited about the day ahead. … [Read more]
From Arzua to Pedrouza (19.4 km)
Chris and I leave the Albergue at about 8:30 and we head straight for a restaurant/bar that is open and serving wine and beer to the party goers from the night before.… [Read more]
San Xulian do Camino to Arzua (25.4 km)
When I step out the Albergue door at 7:30 this morning, I am in the middle of a swarm of school children who are walking the Camino today. I figure there must be a hundred kids and sure enough later on someone tells me there are indeed 100 kids from Madrid on the Camino.… [Read more]
Portomarin to San Xulian do Camino (29 km)
I awake at 7:30 this morning, surprised I slept through the loud party below me. When I am ready to leave at 8:30, I take a peak in the dorm and I am shocked by what a see. … [Read more]