James Bay, also known as Point Egas on the island of Santiago was downright crowded as we shared the small bay with five other boats (none as nice as ours was our collective assessment). The plan today was to let all the other boats go ahead of us, a strategy that served us well. … [Read more]
Archive for » October, 2011 «
As the first group of several to land this morning on Punta Espinoza which is on the youngest island, Fernandina, our guide Enrique did his best to keep a good distance between us and the other groups. … [Read more]
Chris and I awoke before dawn at 4:30 and headed to the top deck to see the crescent moon on the horizon and the star filled sky. The yacht was still anchored in Elizabeth Bay and would be setting off again at 5:00 am. … [Read more]
Our yacht travelled for six hours during the night and we awoke on the western side of Isabela at Punta Moreno. There were five volcanos in plain view sharing a common barren topography.
Breakfast was served at 7:00 am after which we headed out for our first excursion. … [Read more]
We awoke under calm, sunny skies to find ourselves anchored at Puerto Vilamil, the main town on Isabela Island. The wake-up call sounded at the crack of dawn (5:45) in order to allow us to visit Los Tintoreras, a small island next to Isabela Island upon which cruise ship passengers are only permitted to land between 6:00 and 8:00 in the morning. … [Read more]
Preamble and Disclaimer: This is the first of eight posts that I composed while Chris and I sailed the Galapagos Islands on a luxury catamaran yacht. At the end of each day, I wrote about that day’s excursions and highlights. … [Read more]
We are heading off for an 8-day cruise on a luxury yacht. We may not have internet connection so may not be posting for a while. We’ll be sure to tell you all about our voyage when we’re online again.… [Read more]
The Galapagos Islands welcomed us with sunny blue skies and warm temperatures on Tuesday afternoon. The easy two hour flight was followed by a tedious and inefficient debarkation process that took almost as long as the flight!… [Read more]
Yesterday afternoon, we stumbled upon La Ciudad Blanca (the White City) located at the foot of Cerro del Carmen. Our discovery began when we observed a funeral procession leaving a church. … [Read more]
Guayaquil (pronounced why-a-keel) is the largest and most populated city in Ecuador with about 2.3 million inhabitants in the city and nearly 3.1 million in the metropolitan area. The city is situated on the western bank of the Guayas River which flows into the Pacific Ocean. … [Read more]