Camino June 13-14th (Chris)

Villalcazar de Sirga was my final destination on the night of the 12th, I stayed at a nice little private albergue that had smaller dorm rooms, and an OK pilgrim menu… I was so tired from the day, that I was literally in bed by 8pm.

The next day, I walked the first 10km or so with Richard, an ozzy who runs a commercial winery… it was really nice chatting with him, and I hope to meet up with him again along the path… from there, I met up with Christina, who was taking a break, and we walked the rest of the way to Calzadilla de la Cueza, where we decided to jump into a taxi, and carry on down the road an extra 15km to San Nicolas del Real Camino.  The albergue there was really nice, the beer was cold, and they did our laundry for 4 euros… a real treat when it can be done in a machine!  The other nice thing about the place, is that it didn´t fill up, so we had a 6 bed dorm all to ourselves… makes a big difference when you´re not in a room full of snoring old men!

I headed down the path with Ronnie and Noel, the Irish couple whom I had a few too many with, not so many nights before…  it was great seeing them stopping for a coffee at our hostel, as I hadn´t seen them since that night.  We parted ways at the next town, and I continued down the longest, most boring road I´ve encountered so far… it was like the background in the old spiderman cartoon… it just kept repeating and repeating, over and over… I was walking along side an old road on the right, and a row of trees, one EVERY 14 steps apart on the left, for hours and hours… of course, there are farmers fields beyond all of this on either side, but that was repeatative too…

By the end of the day, I had made it to Reliegos, some 39kms down the road from where I started… the longest day yet for me.  That makes my destination tomorrow, Leon, a mere 24km walk… might be done that before breakfast… lunch, certainly!  I was tired by the end… hope I haven´t ruined my feet for tomorrow.

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4 Responses
  1. Angus says:

    Hi Chris, it’s funny I look at the picture on the top of your blog page of you and Christina jumpting in the air. I can’t believe how long it has been since that picture was taken and all you guys have done, and I don’t believe we’ll see a lot of jumping like that from either of you for a few more weeks 🙂



    • chris says:

      Hi Angus… it´s so true… we´ve done SO much since that picture on the salt flats in Bolivia… seems like ages ago!
      And yes… it´ll be awhile before I can get that kind of ´air´ again!

  2. Pauline says:

    Yay! Cheers to Noel & Ronnie! Might I say though that you were the instigator of a ‘few too many’ in Azofra. None of that innocent American spiel, you 😉 Pauline x

    • chris says:

      Well Pauline… being the nice Canadian lad that I am, I thought it was a nice gesture to buy a round for my Irish Camino companions… It was a great night… really enjoying the good Craic!