Archive for » June 20th, 2012«

Camino de Santiago: Day 21 (Christina)

From Villafranca to La Faba (23.1 km)

Frances, Glenn and I wake up at 6:30; we are all feeling refreshed after a good night´s sleep.  Breakfast is included in our hotel rate, and I linger over a second cup of coffee, sending off a few emails before I start me day.  … [Read more]

Camino de Santiago: Day 20 (Christina)

From Hospital de Orbigo to Astorga (18 km)

From Astorga to VillaFranca by bus

I am on the Camino around 8:00 am and I am trying to figure out a strategy for the remaining days.  I want to walk each day, as far as my miserable feet will take me.  … [Read more]

Camino de Santiago: Day 19 (Christina)

From La Virgen del Camino to Hospital de Orbigo (28 km)

I get up late today and take my time getting ready.  In fact, I am the last one to leave the Albergue at 8:00 in the morning.  Amazingly, my feet are not so swollen today, and I can walk without excruciating pain.  … [Read more]

Camino de Santiago: Day 18 (Christina)

From Calzadilla de los Hermanillos to Mansilla de las Mulas (24 km)

By bus from Mansilla de la Mulas to La Virgen del Camino

Off to an early start today at 6:45 am.  I have an 18 km stretch ahead of me before the next town.  … [Read more]

Camino June 20th (Chris)

Well, I had every intention of taking a bus about 60km down the road, as I mentioned in my prior posting, but as it ends up, I only went as far as Villafranca del Bierzo, a distance of about 23kms.… [Read more]